Person Centred Counselling

Person-centred therapy works on the assumption that people are capable of working out their own solutions once they have gained recognition of their own potential to do so.

No matter how defeated a person seems to be they are always able to fight back and have the potential for success.

How it works

As your counsellor, Timothy attempts to understand and unravel the difficulties by perceiving reality through your eyes. He cannot decide the directions in which you should change and develop but will help his clients explore their needs from their own point of view and discover their own direction.

The person centred approach believes that all humans are innately good and that they are growth orientated. Unconditional positive regard or acceptance is the key communication to clients, with a deep and genuine caring for them as human beings.

This caring is unconditional, in that it is not contaminated by evaluation or judgement of the client’s feelings, thoughts or behaviour, be it good or bad. The message that Timothy conveys is that I accept you as you are.

To find out if Timothy can help you see our What We Treat page