Timothy Pope I.P.H.M is an experienced Humanistic and Person-Centred Counsellor, he is also a fully qualified Master Energy Healer and Master Matrix Energetics Energy Practitioner as well as a Teacher / Trainer. He is an approved member and certified teacher / trainer of the {International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine} (IPHM) https://www.iphm.co.uk
Timothy has worked with individuals using a range of techniques since the late-1990s. He has delivered well in excess of 17,000 personal one-to-one counselling and energy therapy sessions to many clients at complementary / alternative therapy clinics and also as a volunteer therapist donating free time to cancer groups as part of his charitable work. His therapy work is dynamic and transformational, he helps people change their lives for the better.
In January 2025, after leaving his busy therapy centre in Walter Road Swansea to focus on new work, he now provides his services from his therapy room in Swansea South Wales where he treats private clients.
Timothy wrote his first book at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, which is an autobiography of his spiritual life called “Healing from my Heart….To Yours” and it is available now from the book page.
Wonderful improvements come in to people’s lives after therapy sessions with Timothy. As the persons consciousness is elevated to a higher frequency and negative thought forms, emotions and in some cases life long problems are released, a new way of Being is facilitated. These positive changes are then reflected back to the individual through their life outside of them in the physical world, which is a true reflection of their consciousness.
Timothy developed an interest in counselling and psychotherapy when receiving help himself through bereavement counselling, after suffering loss of loved ones in the early 1990’s.
His original business name Healing from the Heart and his first website of the same name was thought of during a conversation with his wife in 1991 and “www.healingfromtheheart.co.uk” was created.
This website is an amalgamation of the original healing from the heart website and the later business website timothypope.co.uk. Healing from the heart is now the teaching and training arm of Timothy Pope Counselling Services.
After Timothy’s ability to heal others was re-discovered a rapid spiritual growth process started with an enlightening shift in consciousness occurring. He had many spiritual experiences, acquired knowledge about spiritual matters and answers to his many questions which he utilises in his work to educate those seeking answers for themselves.
Timothy’s deep care and compassion motivates him to provide this help for others when they are going through life’s struggles. His intention is to bring light into their dark place and show them how to free themselves from their pain and to find inner peace.
Timothy studied at Brooklands clinic for many years, during which time he gained certificates in:
- Counselling & psychotherapy
- Grief & bereavement counselling
- Humanistic psychotherapy
- Psycho-spiritual psychotherapy
- Person centred counselling
- In-depth bereavement counselling
Timothy holds certificates as a qualified counsellor and energy healer with The Healer Practitioner Association International (HPAI) Clubspark / CSSI and HPAI / Welcome to the CSSI & HPAI and The New Pathways of Light organisation appearing on both of their registers of therapists in West Glamorgan, which covers the Carmarthen, Llanelli, Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot areas.
Voluntary Work
For a number of years Timothy worked as a volunteer counsellor and energy healer using Reiki and Spiritual Healing abilities at Brooklands Clinic and also as a volunteer therapist with the Swansea and Gower Cancer Self Help Group, as well as being an active committee member.
Timothy is also a member of the Counselling Code of Conduct – a regulatory body for counsellors and psychotherapists and appears on their register of therapists.
He continues to work with local health centres and receives referrals from doctors following successes with their patients suffering with emotional issues such as bereavement, depression and anxiety problems. He is also registered as an independent provider with Health Solutions Wales.
Timothy has also undergone training in working with cancer patients and the terminally ill at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. This is a health centre with 30 years’ experience in cancer care, supported by HRH Prince of Wales as its patron. Cancer patients can receive nutritional advice, complementary therapies and so on …, therapists receive education and training to help treat Cancer sufferers.
Timothy has also attended numerous short courses over many years connected to various aspects of complementary healthcare also to gain spiritual awareness and personal growth. In 2010 he met his Twin Flame and another intense period of spiritual growth started for them both. He occasionally works with his Twin Flame giving remote healing sessions and they also provide workshops together.
Timothy has also completed the Geometrical Template Ceremonies in West Wales and Glastonbury. Examples of these can be found on the articles page under inspirational videos.
Reconnective Healing
In 2006 Timothy received his reconnection, a process that connects our own energy centres (chakras) and meridians (energy pathways) within our physical bodies, to the invisible energy pathways or ley Lines, around our planet and from there out into the entire universe, thus enabling him to use much higher vibrational frequencies for energy work that had only just been made available to our planet at that time and allowing him to continually channel the new higher vibrational energies for healing as they became available.
Please see: http://www.thereconnection.com for more information.
How blessed we are to be living now, to be born into this generation, the first generation to be a part of grounding, through Reconnective Healing®, universal energy healthcare onto our planet. The Reconnective Healing spectrum of frequencies is an intelligence, not a belief. It embodies the laws and principles of the universe and unlike a technique, which chooses for you the exacting steps and procedures to follow, Reconnective Healing allows you to be in consciousness and allows you to dance freely in the experience of the infinite field where all possibilities exist. Reconnective Healing is your opportunity to learn, to become and to play the universal healing instrument that you are
Dr. Eric Pearl
Matrix Energetics
Timothy studied Matrix Energetics level 1 and level 2 with Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy in London and following that completed level 1 and level 2 again before an extensive practitioner’s course in Luzern Switzerland.
After this came 12 months of working with clients using Matrix Energetics skills and providing case studies so as to meet the high standards of the organisation before qualifying for his practitioner status.
He completed Matrix Energetics courses annually to acquire new learning and experiences, he attended the field trip course in Kirchzarten Germany 2014 for example, where amongst other things he trained in Spacial Clairvoyance.
In 2015, Timothy returned to Kirchzarten in Germany and completed the Master course in Matrix Energetics and the Master Harmonic Resonance Technology course. In 2016 he completed the master harmonic resonance technology course a second time and in 2017 he completed the master matrix energetics course a second time.
In 2018 he completed the “Beyond Matrix” certificate an upgrade of the original teaching of Matrix Energetics.
As of this moment, Timothy’s Matrix Energetics Practitioner therapy business is the only full time professional service of its kind in Wales. Unfortunately, you will no longer find any British Matrix Energetics Practitioners listed on the Matrix Energetics official website which is based in the U.S.A. The reason for this is that Richard stopped providing teaching in Europe and to maintain a presence on their website was just too expensive.
Find out more on our Matrix Energetics page.